There are a lot of amazing plush artists out there that I don't feature on the blog because, although he won't admit it, Roland is easily frightened, and some of the coolest creatures out there scare him a little. (He also gets a bit freaked out by button eyes!) Sometimes though, I just have to put my foot down and post something that I like, even if he is somewhat unnerved by it. Case in point, this extremely funny Fuggler from Mrs. McGettrick's Fuggler Emporium. This creature cracked me up and I wanted to post it, but what really tipped the balance was the "Legal Notice" I found on the "Shop Information" page. Here, read it yourself and you will see what I mean:
Legal Notice: You may have heard the rumour that I use human teeth. This may in fact be the only reason you have visited my shop. Shame on you. This is a TERRIBLE LIE put out by my ENEMIES in the cut throat PLUSH COMMUNITY. Those missing people have nothing to do with me. Any such allegations, or repetition of such allegations, will be dealt with swiftly and aggressively by my solicitor.
Mrs McGettrick thanks you for your understanding in this matter. Please buy a Fuggler...
Mrs McGettrick thanks you for your understanding in this matter. Please buy a Fuggler...
AND there's more where that came from! When you go to Mrs. McGettrick's Fuggler Emporium, be sure to check out the "Small Print" section under each creature's little blurb, you won't be sorry! Now GO, and let the hilarity ensue! I have to go and console Roland...